Error management culture in schools and its relationship with teachers' psychological withdrawal behaviors
Gül Kurum Tiryakioğlu 1 *
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1 Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Administration, Trakya University, Türkiye
* Corresponding Author


Error management culture and withdrawal behaviors can be related within the framework of job satisfaction. While job satisfaction is affected by error management culture, it affects withdrawal behaviors. On the other hand, each school has its own culture and teachers' perceptions can be differentiated in terms of school level. This study examined teachers' perception of error management culture and psychological withdrawal behaviors in terms of school level and determined the relationship between them. It was conducted with a correlational research model. The data was collected from a total of 440 teachers working in public schools in Türkiye, selected by convenient sampling. In this study, “Error Management Culture Scale in Schools” and “Psychological Withdrawal Behaviors Scale” were used to determine teachers' views. The findings reveal that according to the school level variable, teachers' perceptions of error management culture and psychological withdrawal behaviors in schools differ significantly. The results of error management culture and psychological withdrawal were against the teachers working in high schools. There is a low-level, negative significant relationship between error management culture and psychological withdrawal behaviors. The current study suggests that an effective error management culture in schools contributes to increased job satisfaction and motivation and reduces the withdrawal behaviors of teachers.



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