The relationship between attitudes toward the teaching profession, occupational resilience belief, and extra-role behavior: A moderated mediation model
Kürşad Kara 1, Kübra Ada 2 *
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1 Bayburt University, Faculty of Education, Turkey
2 Bursa Uludağ University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Turkey
* Corresponding Author


This study aims to examine the direct and indirect relationships between pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward the teaching profession, their occupational resilience beliefs, and their tendency to engage in extra-role behaviors within the framework of structural equation modeling. A relational survey model was used to design this quantitative investigation. The sample comprises 430 pre-service teachers who enrolled at four different programs at a state university in Turkey. The study used the attitudes toward teaching profession scale, the occupational resilience beliefs scale for pre-service teachers, and the extra-role behaviors scale (teacher form) as data collection tools. The researchers created hypothesis models examining the mediating and moderated mediating role of the occupational resilience belief in the effect that attitudes toward the teaching profession have on extra-role behaviors and tested these models within the framework of structural equation modeling. As a result of the study, it was found that the relationship strength between the attitudes toward the teaching profession, the occupational resilience belief, and extra-role behaviors was moderate. The study determined that occupational resilience belief plays a mediating role in the effect of pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward the teaching profession on extra-role behaviors. According to the results of the moderated mediation analysis, the influence of this indirect effect on extra-role behaviors varies according to the type of program studied, even though it does not differ significantly according to the class level of the pre-service teachers. This indirect effect is provided at the best level for pre-service teachers in the mathematics education program. However, the study concluded that the indirect effect influence significantly weakened in the Turkish education program.



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