The influence of teacher educational and technological factors on video-based pedagogical responses in Jordan: An integrative mixed methods study
Mosah S. Ajloni 1 * , John Mitchell O’Toole 2
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1 Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Newcastle, Australia
2 Faculty of Education and Arts, University of Newcastle, Australia
* Corresponding Author


This study examines the extent of influence educational and technological factors have on the level of engagement of the video-based pedagogical responses, and by extension the level of acceptance and use of video technology in teaching, in the context of secondary school teachers in Amman city, Jordan. Educational factors considered were type of school, teaching experience, teaching grade and subject been taught. Technological factors considered were access to the internet and whether teacher has IT support. An integrated mixed method approach was used incorporating both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The ANOVA statistical analysis method was used for the quantitative analysis component. Results from this study were then viewed through the lens of the Technology Acceptance Model theoretical framework for additional insight. It was found that not all the educational and technological factors considered have a statistically significant influence on teachers’ level of engagement of the video-based pedagogical responses. The only factor that has a statistically significant influence over all components of the video-based pedagogical responses is the subject being taught, in particular, science-related subjects. In other words, teachers who taught science-related subjects were found to engage in all components of the video-based pedagogical responses. Therefore, according to the interpretation of the Technology Acceptance Model framework in this study, teachers who teach science-related subjects will likely lead to acceptance and use of video technology by both teachers and students due to usefulness and ease of use being perceived. Acceptance and use of video technology will likely lead to an enhanced pedagogical outcome. 



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