The effect of problem-based learning on problem-solving skills in English language teaching
Fatma Zehra Kök 1, Burcu Duman 2 *
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1 Karabük University, School of Foreign Languages, Karabük, Türkiye
2 Bartın University, Education Faculty, Bartın, Türkiye
* Corresponding Author


The purpose of this mixed-methods sequential explanatory study is two-fold. It is intended first, to determine the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on problem-solving skills, and second, to reveal student opinions regarding PBL. A quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test control group was preferred in the quantitative dimension, while in the qualitative dimension, a case study design was adopted. The study group of the quantitative dimension consists of 46 students who study at the School of Foreign Languages of a public university in Türkiye. 23 of these students participated in the experiment, while 23 of them were included in the control group. The study group of the qualitative dimension is eight students who were selected from the experimental group. Problem Solving Inventory (PSI) was used to collect quantitative data, whereas a standardized open-ended interview form was used to collect qualitative data. Quantitative data were analysed through SPSS 22 package program. The qualitative data were analysed descriptively. Where PBL was applied, there was a significant increase in the problem-solving skills of the experimental group compared to the control group in which PBL was not applied. Qualitative data have pointed out that PBL improves problem-solving skills, academic skills, social skills, and language skills. Nevertheless, the long-term application period had a demotivating effect.



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