Incorrect theorems and proofs: An analysis of pre-service mathematics teachers' proof evaluation skills
Hasibe Sevgi Moralı 1 * , Ahsen Filiz 2
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1 Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Faculty of Education, İzmir, Türkiye
2 Biruni University, Faculty of Education, İstanbul, Türkiye
* Corresponding Author


Proof facilitates conceptual and meaningful learning in mathematics education rather than rote memorization. In this study, incorrect theorems and proofs are used to assess secondary school pre-service mathematics teachers’ proof assessing skills. Using the case study method, the study is conducted on pre-service mathematics teachers studying at the Department of Mathematics Education. There were eight pre-service mathematics teachers selected from each grade, resulting in 32 participants in total. A semi-structured proof form containing 13 questions was used to collect data, which was analyzed using content analysis. As the analysis reveals, pre-service mathematics teachers are highly likely to make incorrect decisions regarding theorems and proofs, and the margin of error is unaffected by grade level. Moreover, pre-service mathematics teachers tend to use proving terms incorrectly and, at times, are unable to differentiate between terms that are commonly used in proving. The pre-service mathematics teachers are believed to have learned proofs by rote rather than understanding how proofs work. With the help of interviews and tests created for different proof methods, it has been suggested that pre-service mathematics teachers should be tested on their proof evaluation skills in more detail.



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