Examining teachers’ influence on MOOCs learners’ continuance learning intention: The mediating effects of perceived usefulness and satisfaction
Shuiyin Liu 1, Fang Huang 2 *
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1 Qingdao University, China
2 Shanghai International Studies University, China
* Corresponding Author


Although Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have attracted extensive attention among educational stakeholders, the issue of the high dropout rate has yet to be solved. The current study aimed to unpack teacher influence on MOOCs learners’ continuance learning intention, and to examine the mediating roles of students’ perceived usefulness and satisfaction. Quantitative data were collected from 166 Chinese university students located in 18 provinces. Results indicated that teacher influence is significantly associated with learners’ continuous learning intention, and when considering perceived usefulness and satisfaction, this relationship did not achieve significance but was mediated by students’ perceived usefulness and satisfaction, in addition, teacher influence did not exert a direct and significant impact on students’ satisfaction. The serial mediation model explained 65.8% of the variance of students’ continuance intention. This study uncovered the important role of teacher influence on students’ continuance learning intention in the Chinese MOOCs learning context. Results provided suggestions to policymakers, MOOCs platform and lecturers to promote MOOCs and design useful courses so as to engage students to learn continuously.



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