The effectiveness of using infographics on academic achievement: A meta-analysis and a meta-thematic analysis
Şenel Elaldı 1 * , Taner Çifçi 1
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1 Cumhuriyet University, Education Faculty, Turkey
* Corresponding Author


This study aims to reinterpret the findings of the studies investigating the effectiveness of using infographics on academic achievement. A mixed methods research design including both quantitative and qualitative sections was adopted on the use of infographics in education. For this purpose, a meta-analysis of 12 empirical studies on the effect of using infographics on academic achievement in education carried out during the period from 2016 to 2021 was conducted. Some moderator analyses such as school grades, implementation period and school subjects in which infographics were used were also conducted to reveal the effectiveness of using infographics in education. The findings suggest that using infographics in education has a positive effect on academic achievement and the effect is at a large level (g =1.599). In terms of moderator analyses, the academic achievement changed according to implementation periods of infographics. The highest effect size was in the “4-5 weeks” group (g = 1.343). The meta-thematic aspect of this study revealed three dimensions of infographics as cognitive contributions, challenges in using and development of infographics and, suggestions for application. More empirical studies are suggested to test the expressed power of infographics as an effective visual communication tool and teaching material.



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