Investigating psychosocial problems of orphan children in primary schools
Solomon Kassie Alem 1 *
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1 Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
* Corresponding Author


The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychosocial problems of orphan children in public primary schools. The study is based on a mixed-type research design focusing on both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. A total of 73 participants were involved in the study. Fifty-five orphaned students who were participated in filling the questionnaires were selected using simple random sampling technique while six orphaned children, nine teachers and three non-governmental officials were participated in the interview were selected through purposive sampling technique. To analyze the data descriptive statistics, mean score and standard deviation was calculated to determine the psychosocial problems of orphan children. One sample t-test also computed to see whether there was statistical significance different between the expected and actual mean scores at the t-value on the psychosocial problems of orphan children. Data collected through interview was presented and analyzed thematically. The results revealed that orphan children were exposed to diverse psychological problems, economical, social related problems and exhibited in problematic behaviors that tremendously affect their education and life in general. Considering the results, it was recommended that stakeholders, teachers and caregivers should establish a support system at different levels and play a major role to fulfill the psychosocial needs of orphan children.



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