Impact of stress-induced life events on mental well-being and delinquency: The mediating influence of substance use among Jordanian university students
Suhaib Khaled Altakhayneh 1 *
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1 Mutah University, Jordan
* Corresponding Author


Stressful situations encountered throughout adolescence distress health throughout a person's life. In light of the high frequency of stressful life events, particularly for adolescents at risk for interaction with the child welfare system, the effects of these experiences must be well understood throughout the many phases of child growth. Based on general strain theory, the present research investigates the association between having encountered stressful life events in the past, having mental health issues, and engaging in delinquent behaviours through substance use when a person is a teenager. Adolescents subjected to physical and emotional maltreatment were likely to report experiencing mental health issues and delinquent behaviour, engaging in alcoholic beverages, using illicit substances, improper use of prescribed or over-the-counter medication, and smoking cigarettes. Data was collected from 248 students and 112 counsellors in Jordanian universities to conduct the comparative study through the convenience sampling technique. Data were analyzed through SmartPLS Software. The findings of this study show that stressful life events promote substance use among students in Jordanian universities. Similarly, these events also enhance mental health issues and lead the students toward delinquent behaviour.



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