Do contemporary e-learning solutions support the development of intercultural competence? Insights from European projects
Pawel Szerszeń 1, Piotr Romanowski 1 *
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1 University of Warsaw
* Corresponding Author


The aim of the present paper is to analyse the extent to which contemporary e-learning solu-tions support the development of intercultural competence in the didactics of specialist lan-guages. A special consideration will be given to those solutions which use e-learning modules. A few remarks concerning the terminology of intercultural competence as well as didactic modules have been made at the beginning. Last but not least, on the basis of the theory of didactic module, the process of (glotto) didactic module development and the examples of its realisation in the context of development of intercultural competence have been indicated. As shown in the paper e-learning solutions based on glottodidactic modules contribute to the de-velopment of intercultural competence, which is an essential component equipping interactor with indispensable and critical knowledge and skills. All this is required in modern specialised communication, occurring especially in multilingual and/or multicultural environments.



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