Open Access Policy

All articles published by the Journal of Pedagogical Research are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source are appropriately cited.

Journal of Pedagogical Research guarantees that no publication fees from any library or reader to access the electronic articles will be charged.

Since the journal claims no fees for article review or printing and for access to articles, it has no source of income. Accordingly, the following pecuniary obligations of the manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Pedagogical Research lie with the authors:

  • Because the journal is indexed in distinguished indices, the English language must be at a good level. Since the journal does not have any translation services for this purpose, it recommends some accredited companies to the author(s).
  • In accordance with the suggestions made by field editors or reviewers, language editing or editing required by the editorial board of the Journal of Pedagogical Research is done by the aforementioned companies.
  • The journal claims no submission fees or article processing charges  (APCs). However, all costs incurred in plagiarism detection, layout and galley, references, attribution, and attribution check lie with the author(s). The amount of the costs may vary depending on the length, language quality, etc. 

Website Archiving. All of the electronic content including web pages and manuscripts is archived in three different sources provided by Octagon Education Services and EditorialPark. A copy of the same content is preserved as a backup on two other sources. Should a server fail, other resources can be brought online, and the website is expected to be available in 24-48 hours.