Unplugged activities as a catalyst when teaching introductory programming
Bhagya Munasinghe 1 2, Tim Bell 2 * , Anthony Robins 3
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1 Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
2 University of Canterbury, New Zealand
3 Department of Computer Science, University of Otago, New Zealand
* Corresponding Author


An unplugged approach to teaching enables students to explore Computational Thinking without using a computer. It might appear that if students are to learn programming, they should focus on computer-based work; however, it appears that using “unplugged” activities before engaging in computer-based coding (programming) activities for each unit of work leads to better outcomes for students in the same amount of time. In this paper we explore why this could be the case, by reviewing literature that reports on these experiences, and also using different theoretical lenses (Notional Machines, Semantic Profiles, and the Zone of Proximal Development) to analyse how the combination of experiences can engage students. We also explore how the approach integrates with mathematics education.



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