Optimism in trauma and growth: a path analysis of former war-related displaced persons
Hannah E. Acquaye 1 * , Michelle D. Mitchell 2, Yvette Saliba 2, Seungbin Oh 2, Nevin Heard 2
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1 Counseling Program, Western Seminary, Portland
2 Department of Child, Family, and Community Sciences, University of Central Florida
* Corresponding Author


The study evaluated the contribution of war, trauma, and optimism on growth in adult Liberian former displaced persons traumatized by war-related experiences
(N = 444). Hypotheses based on existing literature grounded the path model assessing the relationship among war-related events, trauma, optimism and post-traumatic growth. There were statistically significant correlations among all variables, except between war-related events and optimism [χ2(1) = 0.90; p > .05; CFI = 1.00; GFI = .99; SRMR = 0.02; RMSEA = 0.00]. Clinicians are encouraged to identify resources that traumatized populations use in coping, and incorporate them within the therapeutic environment.



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